One Stop Digital Shop!
Throughout you will find Product Reviews and Salespage Links.
Here is How the Product Menu Works
- Find your subject of interest.
2. Click on the category.
3.Find the product in which you are interested.
4.Read the Product Review and Salespage Links presentation.
5.Click on the call to action/salespage link to see the vendors’ presentation page.
6.Follow the buy button to the PayPal checkout page.
7.If you want the product, purchase it.
8.Check your e-mail for the receipt from Paypal and an e-mail from the vendor with your login instructions.
9.Go to the Members area.
10.Download your product and enjoy!
Go HERE to enjoy shopping: One Stop Digital Shop!
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You can send Digital products as gifts. Use the e-mail of the recipient in the deliver section of the PayPal checkout and pay with your PayPal user e-mail address. The product will be delivered directly to the in-box of your intended gift recipient.