Hello and Welcome to Valornet.blog!

Hello and welcome to Valornet.blog! My name is Valerie Knies and I am the creator of this site and the new company, Valor Sales and Services. Valornet is the Internet Division of this company. Let me tell you a little About valornet.blog.
The purpose for this site is to review and provide digital products to assist your quest to make money online. I want your experience here to be relaxed. I do not want you to feel pressured to buy anything, just look at the options and make informed decisions. If you are trying to figure out HOW you can make money online, I would like you to find some answers here. There are also many free gifts and bonuses here as well. You can receive notifications of the latest launches and specials, instruction and news from the Internet Marketing world on my newsletter, Valornet Value! Just sign up where you see the opt-in form. You always have the option to unsubscribe. I promise to respect your privacy.
Valornet.blog is a digital Make Money Online product store with reviews, not a review site. I do work to make a full presentation and give you my opinion on the products on this website. Everything presented here will be reasonably priced, and useful for Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Product Creation, (SEO) Consulting, Small Business Building and e-Commerce Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Video Marketing and however else you would like to apply the products. My desire is for you to find whatever you need to help you make money online. Full disclosure, I do make a commission for the products sold from valornet.blog.
To tell you just a little about myself. I am a music teacher and singer who married a pastor. My husband and I went together to serve as missionaries in Malaysia in 1988. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, we moved to Hungary, where we served for 24 years. We have three grown children, a daughter-in-law and a sweet grandson and baby granddaughter. In 2016, our family made a major change due to a traumatic situation and moved from Europe to Wisconsin, USA to start over. We are grateful that the Lord has met our every need.
I started learning this business in the summer of 2017, so that I could stay at home, be my husband’s caretaker and generate some income. (We are rejoicing that a few months ago, my husband was recovered enough to begin a new job). Over the years, I have had some experience in online marketing and social media advertising. My preparation for becoming an internet marketer, affiliate and product developer has been full of learning. skill development, and using different products in my business. I am still learning, practicing and honing my skills every day. I have had the joy of getting to know some great people over cyberspace and some in person. This is just the beginning.
I am very hopeful about my own endeavor and the possibilities for you in Internet Marketing. I welcome people who work at any kind of internet marketing and services to join me and make this our journey to success. New products and reviews will appear regularly. My goal is for this site is to become your favorite place for finding what you need to help you MAKE YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS BETTER!
Take Action,
Valerie Knies
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