AI Affiliate Bots
Watch the Vendor Salespage for Deep Discount Coupons
I just saw maybe the best Amazon software I’ve ever seen…
Then 2 minutes later I saw an even better YouTube software…
Then 30 seconds later I saw an even better video-creation software.
And then 45 seconds later I saw a WordPress website-builder.
Finally, I saw a new “million dollar” Google keyword database…
Actually there are FIVE software tools I’m talking about.
And they’re part of ONE insane new affiliate offer:
Hit this link and see what the hype is about:
OK. So here goes…
Have you heard of a guy called “Chris X”?
He’s “old school” and has been marketing online since 2006.
And he’s made well over $1 million with affiliate marketing…
Facebook? YouTube? Google? JVZoo? TeeSpring? ClickBank?
He’s profited with all of them using the power of affiliate marketing.
And over the last few months Chris has decided to focus his ENTIRE business onto video & affiliate marketing.
That’s why he spent over $20,000 building four of the most incredible YouTube & Amazon software tools I’ve ever seen:
* STEP 1 – Browse our “AI Niches” database and pick from over 100 niches that get huge free searches on YouTube
* STEP 2 – Do a bit of research and enter some info about the top products in that niche into “AI Affiliate” software
* STEP 3 – Spin this data to create instant affiliate reviews – then export 5-10 products into a “campaign file”
• STEP 4 – Import this campaign file into the “ZenVideo” software to create your video review <– Free YouTube traffc
• STEP 5 – Import this campaign file into the “Zen eCommerce” theme to create your affiliate article review <– Free Google traffic
• STEP 6 – Choose from 100 top Amazon and eCommerce niches and download the top SEO keywords in 1 click
It’s the easiest way to get free traffic from YouTube, and turn it into Amazon/ClickBank/JVZoo commissions!
OK, I think you need to check this tool out to see what the hype is all about…
Own your own AI Affiliate Bot Software Suite Today!
Chris has a generous Bonus Bundle on his salespage. Add to that:
AI Affiliate Bots Bonus Bundle from
1) Video Blueprint – guide
(training guide on how to profit with YouTube)
Learn how to promote your website using the power of YouTube Ads. With over 1 billion monthly visitors, it’s a huge untapped traffic source.. but few know how to use it. Download my complete blueprint for the breakdown of how it works.
2) Video Watermark (PC only Software )
(Software that adds clickable images on any video)
This PC only tool allows you to quickly add clickable images and videos on top of ANY video. This boosts engagement, but also lets you add buttons/ecovers/etc and other clickable elements, then when you add annotations on YouTube you can use these links to drive traffic from YouTube to your website!
3) Million Dollar YouTube Niches
(top YouTube niche keywords)
One of the top methods right now is getting targeted traffic with YouTube.
Chris also had his assistant research the top performing YouTube keywords right now.
There are over 50 keywords here, that have got a combined 8 million views.
You can clone these campaigns… or target some of the niches that have no ads running, and therefore zero competition!
4) Done for you videos
(5 videos promoting ClickBank & JVZoo offers)
Chris had his video editor make videos for some of the top converting affiliate programs out there.
Now you can download them and use them in your own campaign!
All of these bonuses are available with the purchase of AI Affiliate Bots.
You will find them on the Welcome Page at JVZoo when you get your receipt.
Once again, Chris X has made it possible for you to implement his software and reap profits.
Of course, you have to do some work to make this work, but not that much.
You have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, so try it out and
see how this Software Suite will work for you.
Own Your Own AI Affiliate Software Suite Today!
P.S. If you need more information, here it is:
Amazing One Time Offers:
OTO 1 – AI. AffiliateBot DIAMOND – $37
Diamond is an upgrade that expands all the tools…
The Zen Video Creator PRO, pre-loaded with 30 extra professional animations for maximum customization
The Done For You affiliate niches which are already making thousands.. even millions of dollars
The Zen Affiliate PRO, pre-loaded with 100 proven products right away.. for maximum profits
The Advanced Video series that were too powerful to include with the core package
OTO 2 – AI. AffiliateBot DONE FOR YOU – $67
With DONE FOR YOU, we give you the ability to infinitely expand your campaigns… with 100s of done for you campaigns pre-created for you!
OTO 3 – AI. AffiliateBot PRO – $27 per month
A special deal to get access to 30 software tools (that sold over $1,000,000 of units) from all of Chris Xs’ previous launches on CB & JVZoo.
Includes tools for resell rights, video, affiliate marketing, traffic, website-builders & much more!
OTO 4 – AI. AffiliateBot EXTREME – $97
Including the “DayJobKiller” course, which has sold over $100k units at $247 and $497.
This package teaches people how to sell their own info products, as taught by Chris X (of Titan X) – one of the all-time top vendors on JVZoo & ClickBank HISTORY!
There are 50 training videos included and 8 insane software tools, all focused on allowing people to quickly create their software/info product empire.
*These One Time Offers are only available with purchase of the AI Affiliate Bots offer above.
Own your own AI Affiliate Bot Software Suite Today!
Just to remind you…
With AI Affiliate Bots, you’re getting 5 software tools in 1…which include:
5x Affiliate/Traffic Softwares in ONE and multiple features
Zen Niches – pre-loded with 100+ profitable affiliate niches making thousands of dollars per day
Zen Affiliate – quickly research affiliate programs for any niche keyword then adds it to your personal database
Zen Spinner -which turns your product research into a spun mini-article to export as an article or voice over script
Zen Video that creates proven, profitable, affiliate review videos for any niche, market or deywork in 60 seconds
Zen AI Voice – software to turn any script into a voiceover with Google WaveVoice
Zen Theme- a premium WordPress theme, which instantly gives you an ecommerce/affiliate store with content
Zen Keywords-discover the best Google and YouTube keywords for 100 ecom niches -targeted free traffic!
Own your own AI Affiliate Bot Software Suite Today!
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